Charter and Constitution — Faith and Light

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Charter and Constitution

The structures of Faith and Light are like the sap that flows through a large tree to keep it alive, to help it to grow, flower and produce fruit. The Charter is like the heart of Faith and Light, its inspiration. The Constitution is like the trunk so that the sap may spread and give life... it explains the organization of movement.

The International family of Faith and Light is actually like an immense tree that currently brings together 1350 communities in 86 countries and 51 provinces across the five continents...
The structures were implemented little by little, year by year, to meet the different needs that arose from the growth of the movement throughout the world. The Charter of Faith and Light is the source of this.
The community, centred around the growth of each individual member and their integration in society and the Church, is the foundation of all structures in Faith and Light.

The means by which a community is recognised as an official member of the international family of Faith and Light, are defined in the Constitution (from page 14) which also specifies the composition and functioning of each of the branches of the association. Every single one of them, whether it is on a provincial or international nevel, is at the service of the community. Within these different bodies, the leaders come together as a “council”, a space where coordination, reflection, formation, and spiritual deepening takes place. Each “council” is accompanied by a chaplain.

From a legal point of view, the Faith and Light international association is an association established under French law, according to the 1901 law. Its statutes are registered at the Paris Police headquarters. You can write to the international secretariat if you wish to obtain a copy.

The Board of Directors that manages the association is constituted of President, Vice-President, International Coordinator, International Chaplain, International Treasurer and two other members which meets at least twice a year.
The international General Assembly including the members of the Board of Directors and a delegation from the recognized provinces meets every five years.