2023-2024 Guidelines — Faith and Light

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2023-2024 Guidelines

Theme : Meeting Jesus in Galilee

The international coordination of Faith and Light has asked the Brazilian provinces to draw up guidelines for the meetings of all the communities in our great family. What we offer Faith and Light is a small contribution compared to what we receive from it. The guidelines reflect the country that produce them. The riches of our people and our environment have long been seen as the world's backyard. Our path to autonomy as a nation is still strewn with challenges. We are suffering the consequences of a global economy that emphasizes the accumulation of wealth, to the detriment of the reality faced by our peoples. Pope Francis continually denounces this economic model, which devalues human beings. 
We would like to emphasize the words that will recur in all the meetings: Daily life - Time of faithfulness or the fourth time - Bringing meaning back to my life. 

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